Sunday, July 15, 2012

Hello everybody, I am wondering how many of you saw the Northern lights last night or this morning? I know they have a proper name but it alludes me right now. Too many people had on their porch light or security lights to see them last night so I got up early this morning and did get off a few shots before it got completely daylight. I hope you all enjoy looking at them. We very seldom get a chance to see them here in Alabama.

Have a blessed afternoon. Helen

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

This is a set of twin fawns. My daughter is talking to them as they cross her yard. Turn you volume up and you can hear and see one of them answering her back with little squeaks. Neighbor scared it off at the end coming home from work. So beautiful and sweet.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Happy Memorial Day

May God bless the families of the Military who paid dearly for our freedom. We thank them all.

May God bless our present Military and their families. May He walk with our men and women every step of the way and protect them from all harm. 

This is the male Eagle at Norfolk Botanical Gardens VA. Screen shots taken 5-27-12. A beautiful Bird that was chosen for our National Bird.

Everybody have a great Memorial Day. May you all be blessed and stay safe.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

We will miss you Dad White

No one could grow tomatoes like Dad of  Dad's Tomato Garden. I have known Dad for many years along with his daughter Mary through our blogs. I believe they were the first to comment when I first started a journal many years ago. Two of the sweetest people you could ever know.
Dad lived his life so that others could see exactly what he was. He loved his Lord, his children (Mary and Jim), and great grandchildren along with his kitties Princess(deceased) and Prince still living. He wrote of them often. He posted many pictures of his loving family as the years went by. His family loved him back just as much. We all lost him to his spiritual world on May 9, 2012. We here in this blog world are going to miss him also. I know his Lord told him "Welcome Home my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased". I can almost see him rejoicing with his Family and beloved Wife LaVerne who have gone on before.
Rest in Peace Dad. We all loved you.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Trying out new blog look.

I haven't tried out the new look on blogger. Thought I would try to figure out how it is supposed to work.
Here are a few pictures I made of my flowers last week.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Good Morning to everyone. I wish for everyone a very Happy Easter and may it be a blessed one. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Feeling better

Just a few words to say I am feeling much better. Went to the neurosurgeon on Wed and he was well pleased. In fact he said for me to call them in a couple of months to let them know how I was doing. My back still hurts some but so far it's not unbearable.  I take an Aleve each morning and a couple of Tylenol a day to cope with the pain I do have. I have been taking some slow shorts walks and it does seem to help. I use my trekking pole to help me with support. I am hoping when the weather gets warmer I will be able by then to do some geocaching with Ken. We both are getting tired of being cooped up in the house so long. It has been a month on the 9th of this month since my surgery.
Ken has been having some problems with some of his blood veins rupturing and causing big lumps which will eventually go down but leaves the places black and blue. This is caused by the Plavix the surgeon has him on. He had to see a different doc but he wouldn't take him off of it because he would be going against what his regular surgeon told him to do. He put him on a surgical support hose.Thing is his doc is out for a few weeks because his wife is having health problems. I am thinking he just needs to be on a different blood thinner.( like I am a doctor LOL)

Thanks for all your emails along with your prayers and good wishes.
Have a blessed weekend everyone.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Back home

Well the surgery is finished and I am back home. Still in a lot of pain. The doc said that place was in a mess with the spinal cord leaking fluid. He put a blood block in there to patch it up. Told my daughter that it might take 4 weeks for me to feel any relief. I can't sit but a few minutes at a time. So not getting on the computer but a couple of minutes at a time.
Thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Surgery set.

The hospital called this morning with the news that someone had cancelled for Monday morning. 6:00  O'clock AM CST. Suits me fine. The quicker the better. Looking forward to getting it done and put behind me. God willing I will feel lots better.

Have a blessed weekend everyone. Helen