Friday, January 29, 2010

Just a few words

I haven't updated in a few day so thought I would do a post.
Everyone is doing about like usual. Except I have been having some serious back problems this week. This to shall pass or get a tad better in time. Ken still has problems with his eyes and I am still have some problems with mine also. 
My daughter goes back to Birmingham AL Mon on her birthday to get another heart checkup. I hope he reduces her meds because she is so tired all the time. She does put some long hours in at school. She has to stay late about every night getting lesson plans up and so forth. I am glad to say her back is getting more in line now. That staph infection had left her walking with one hip higher that the other one. It has taken time but they are slowing getting more in line. She no longer has to use the pole Ken made her for rising and walking. I thank God for that.

My son had been having Mini strokes before Christmas and has been on blood thinners which has helped a lot. He is back at work now and doing better. He never let us know he was in the hospital for 4 days. Didn't want us to worry he said. I like to know though when my family gets sick so I can send up prayers for them.
Well these two girls here keep Ken and me laughing a lot. 
I ask them, " do you girls want to go outside?" They both hit their doggy door running to see who can get out first. Patches screams and barks so loud a person would think I was kicking her to make her go LOL. Then they go racing across the yard to stay for a while smelling things out. So funny. Then when they get back inside they sit on a rug in front of their treat table waiting for a treat. I need to get a picture of some of that at least.
Well here is a picture of them not related to that. They are waiting to go to bed LOL. They like that old worn out spread wadded up, they scratch and root and pull with it with  their teeth it till they get it just right. It is very soft and they love it. They will not sleep in their beds anymore.

I hope everyone has a good Friday and a blessed weekend.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I have been tagged

Seems as if I have been tagged by  Stephen Baird over at Nikon Sniper. He does outstanding photography from all over the place on a lot of different subjects. Check out his blog sometimes. My answers  won't be as long or as interesting as his is because I stay at home and very seldom get out and about like I used to do. Never like he does or has LOL.
Plus I may have missed some of them but who's counting.

8 TV shows I watch on occasions
1. News
2. That's about it as I very seldom watch TV.

By accessing the world-wide (it's everywhere now) internet I have often enjoyed:
1. Reading blogs
2. Checking out different bird sites

3. Looking at different flowers
4. Looking at nature sites, waterfalls and such
5. Reading different news from different parts of the world

6. Having Ken buy things on the web
7. Online banking

8. Emailing friends and family

8 favorite places to eat and drink
Sorry we do most of our eating at home. Maybe a fast food place sometimes for with this horrible back problem I can't sit long enough to wait on food.  

8 things I look forward to
1. Joining my family and friends in heaven
2. The seasonal changes
3. Being able to use my camera more often especially in the spring
4. Better health

5. Maybe one day feel up to traveling places
6. Taking walks again
7. Going places to join family and friends for get to gathers

8. Going fishing again

8 things I love about winter
1. When it is over

2. Sitting in front of a warm fire
3. Eating a hot meal when I am cold
4. Staying inside on a rainy day
5. Knowing my family is safe in their homes in bad weather
6. Reading a good book
7. Playing with our two dogs
8. Eating snacks LOL

8 things on my wish list
1. Grand - children

2.Wishing I could play the piano
3. Wanting to take better photos
4. Having plenty of money
5. My family and myself having better health
6. Ken's eyes to get well or at least a lot better
7. Seeing my family more often
 8. Drawing a blank about now

8 things I am passionate about (not always in this order)1. My love of God
2. My family
3. People getting well who are sick
4. Getting home from the hospital when I have to go there
5. Taking better pictures
6. People treating other people and animals as they should

7. My famiy's love of God
8. Hearing from family and friends

8 things I have learned from the past
1. That I am unable to fix everything
2. That there are going to be good days and bad days
3. Letting go of the past
4. That I have done some lousy cooking
5. Made some lousy photos
6. That I could have been a better mother
7. That I could have been a better daughter
8. Not visiting my parents more while they were living

 8 things I want/need(not necessarily need but want.)
 1. A better camera
 2. A whole passle of different lens
 3 .The know how to use the camera.
 4. Learn how to use the lenses

 5. Places of interest to go to use them.
 6. Better health.
 7. More $$ to go places.
 8. More years to learn how to do these things

8 people I want to tag 
I would like to tag everyone who reads my blog but this does take time and I wouldn't do that to you.
Why did you do this to me Stephen? LOL

Anyway if anyone wants to do this just go right ahead. I promise it's not that easy unless you lead a more exciting life and have more interesting answers than I did. 
If you decide to do it please let me know so I can go look at your answers.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Congratulations to the Alabama coaches and their team.

Alabama Crimson Tide Team and their couches deserve Congratulations for winning in the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, CA against the Texas longhorns 37-21. Click Here to see --  a write up in our local newspaper this morning. 

Have a blessed day everyone,

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Not much snow today

Well we didn't get much snow. It snowed really hard and stuck for a few minutes each time and then melted.
Here are some short videos of it snowing.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Burr, it's cold in Alabama

It has been really cold for Al this week. I know it is much much colder in other places but we are not used to it being this cold for this long. It's even going to get down to freezing in Fl.
Ken and I went and got some groceries this morning. They are calling for some snow on Thursday. Now that remains to be seen again. None has shown up so far except for a few flakes one night which didn't stick. 
No, I didn't see or get a shot of the Blue Moon. It was cold and dark and the wind was blowing so I didn't go outside by myself after the clouds went away. I did see it was really light during the night when I got up once. 
The large picture at the top was Patches one cold morning this week when it was nineteen. She had seen a squirrel and ran out the doggie door and was watching it. I got tickled at her, she would try to sit down and it was so cold she hopped right back up. I called her in in a few minutes. She very reluctantly came came back inside. Daisy didn't go out with her LOL.

Here are a couple of just about frozen rose buds. These would have been white roses. It has been in the mid teens this week so I am surprised they are even still on the bush.

I have been putting out extra bird seed and the birds are really gobbling them up. I looked out this morning after I fed them and it looked like a thousand blackbirds in the back yard eating those seeds and whatever they could find. I am sorry but I can't afford to feed those things. When they come the song birds leave until they are gone so I scared them away.
Everyone have a good afternoon and a blessed night. Helen